31 March 2005

Elie Wiesel lecture March 31, 2005

Below are some of the inspirational words from Dr. Elie Wiesel's speech:
PLEASE note that these are not all direct quotes, but reprsent his ideas as I recalled them a few hours later.
Silence helps the killers/silence hurts the victims/whenever I see an American soldier I thank them for our liberty/we are responsible to others/tolerance is condescending instead of tolerating others one should respect others/respect everyone
because anyone you meet could be your destiny/I have asked all of the five American Presidents that I have served under "Why didn't the US bomb the railroad tracks & why didn't the US bomb the gas chambers?" 10,000-12,000 Jews died every night at Auschwitz/No real answer for the first question/The obvious answer to the second was the US didn't want to kill the Jews in the camps, but we wanted them to bomb the gas chambers./We would have rather died that way.

Things that I thought about tonight:
This is an amazing man! A survivor! I am grateful to be able to hear his story as sad and tragic as this all is.
Mrs. Levine, one of my Sunday school teachers & a Holocust survivor, had a number tatooed on her arm. I remember asking her about it. I don't remember what she said. I think she didn't want to talk about it. I asked my parents about it and I'm trying to remember what they told me. I think they tried to explain, but I didn't understand.

The Daily Texan, UT's student newspaper, has an article online covering the event.

The Holocaust & Humanity Project

Light/The Holocaust & Humanity Project is a unique Holocaust education partnership that promotes tolerance, coexistence, and the protection of human rights against bigotry and hate through the arts, education and public dialogue. Those involved with the project are: Ballet Austin, the College of Education at The University of Texas at Austin, the Holocaust Museum Houston, the Austin Independent School District, The Naomi and Martin Warren Family Foundation, the Jewish Community Association of Austin and other groups, including the citizens of Austin.

Here are some of the events that are scheduled in conjunction with this project:

March 6-31, 2005
Coexistence, an unusual and thought- provoking outdoor visual art exhibition visits Austin in a visible site at Auditorium Shores. The works, exploring themes of coexistence, were created by artists from around the world, as the result of an internationally juried competition sponsored by the Museum on the Seam for Dialogue, Understanding and Coexistence in Jerusalem. This exhibit is traveling around the world.

Thursday, March 31
Elie Wiesel, winner of the 1986 Nobel Peace Prize and a Holocaust survivor, gives a lecture at 8 p.m. in Bass Lecture Hall. He is the world-renowned author of "Night" and more than 40 other books.

April 1-3, 2005
Light / The Holocaust & Humanity Project is a world-premiere ballet produced and performed by Ballet Austin, and choreographed by Stephen Mills. Performing to music by Philip Glass, Steve Reich, Arvo Part and others, the production will explore individual responses to life before, during and after this watershed historical event. Ballet Austin’s Light / The Holocaust & Humanity Project will be performed at the Bass Concert Hall at UT’s PAC.

Friday, April 1
Austin's PBS station KLRU Cable Ch.9
Noon and 8:30 p.m. -- AUSTIN NOW presents a
documentary report on an ground-breaking project
taking place at Texas State University in San Marcos,
where every student has been reading, Elie Weisel's Night.
This episode will also explore Ballet Austin’s new
production Light/The Holocaust & Humanity Project.

Filming April 19, 2005
A televised town hall meeting at KLRU featuring award-winning correspondent Linda Ellerbee.

28 March 2005


The Jewish religion is filled with traditions! So, in keeping with the concept of tradition which brings family & friends together, Amy & I have created our own weekend traditions:

1. Every Friday before sunset we prepare for the Sabbath by attending a movie! The ritual includes lunch at our favorite Italian restaurant for Minestrone soup and then popcorn, a coke, and junior mints at the movies. I believe that it's all Kosher! All this is to say that I'll be filing our weekly movie review here in my blog. So, if you love movies like we do, check in from time to time & feel free to leave feedback on any movies you've seen.

2. Most Saturdays and/or Sundays we take a long walk (3 or 4 miles) on Austin's beautiful Town Lake Hike & Bike Trail. This is in keeping with my Rabbi's advice. Every May, all of the kids in each grade of the Sunday School classes would gather in the main sanctuary to hear the Rabbi's pre-Summer speech. Rabbi Schur would end his lecture every year with the following request: "Read a good book, take a long walk, and make a new friend!"

25 March 2005

Exciting News: Re-release of Ann Hampton Callaway CD's

This week Shanachie Entertainment re-released three of Ann Hampton Callaway's best CD's!!! Mazel tov to Ann!

1: "Easy Living" This CD has one of the most romantic songs ever written entitled "Come Take My Hand." So, if you're in the mood or want to get in the mood, click on the words Easy Living & the link will take you to Barnes & Noble to make your purchase online! Or, you can click on the CD cover art below. (Thanks to Amy for that!)

2: "To Ella With Love" This CD is tied with "Slow" for my favorite AHC recording. (Note: Amazon.com has "Slow" on sale right now!)

3: "Signature" This CD is so awesome! Great for a road trip or working out! It's very upbeat and always puts me in a fantastic mood!

21 March 2005

It's been a lovely year so far! Great things have happened!

January 2005:
I was appointed to the Advisory Board of Austin Cabaret Theatre! It's been our best season ever with Amanda McBroom in Nov. '04, Ann Hampton Callaway in Dec. '04, Klea Blackhurst in Feb. '05, and Donna Mc Kechnie in Mar. '05. Wow! What an awesome group of amazing voices!

February 2005:
My sister, Tina, & I took a fabulous trip to NYC to see Ann Hampton Callaway make her debut at The Allen Room which is part of the wonderful new Jazz at Lincoln Center in the new Time Warner Center at Columbus Circle. We also had the good fortune to be able to view Christo & Jeanne-Claude's public art project The Gates at Central Park. I was able to capture a few good photos of The Gates on my .mac web page! When you get to my web page be sure to click on "Start Slideshow" to view larger versions of the photos.

The trip was filled with magical moments: Seeing Klea Blackhurst perform a beautiful tribute to Harold Arlen at the Library for the Performing Arts at Lincoln Center. Attending three fantastic plays: Harvey Fierstein in "Fiddler on the Roof," Maureen McGovern in "Little Women" and Mercedes Ruehl in "Woman Before a Glass" Visiting the new MOMA. Taking a helicopter tour of NYC! Thanks to my Dad, the Honorable Al Taub, mayor of Dalworthington Gardens, Texas.

March 2005:
We attended the SXSW film festival and saw a wonderful documentary, "Stagedoor," It was about Stagedoor Manor the musical theatre summer camp in the Catskills in NY.