31 March 2005

Elie Wiesel lecture March 31, 2005

Below are some of the inspirational words from Dr. Elie Wiesel's speech:
PLEASE note that these are not all direct quotes, but reprsent his ideas as I recalled them a few hours later.
Silence helps the killers/silence hurts the victims/whenever I see an American soldier I thank them for our liberty/we are responsible to others/tolerance is condescending instead of tolerating others one should respect others/respect everyone
because anyone you meet could be your destiny/I have asked all of the five American Presidents that I have served under "Why didn't the US bomb the railroad tracks & why didn't the US bomb the gas chambers?" 10,000-12,000 Jews died every night at Auschwitz/No real answer for the first question/The obvious answer to the second was the US didn't want to kill the Jews in the camps, but we wanted them to bomb the gas chambers./We would have rather died that way.

Things that I thought about tonight:
This is an amazing man! A survivor! I am grateful to be able to hear his story as sad and tragic as this all is.
Mrs. Levine, one of my Sunday school teachers & a Holocust survivor, had a number tatooed on her arm. I remember asking her about it. I don't remember what she said. I think she didn't want to talk about it. I asked my parents about it and I'm trying to remember what they told me. I think they tried to explain, but I didn't understand.

The Daily Texan, UT's student newspaper, has an article online covering the event.


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